Mortgage lenders evaluate your credit-worthiness by examining four general areas of your financial life. In years past you had to meet criteria in one or more of these areas, but not necessarily all, to qualify for a loan. Changes were made in mortgage underwriting guidelines in response to the Mortgage Meltdown of 2007-2008. Now you must meet the requirements for each and every category, no matter how well qualified you are in any one, two or three. Serving as the underwriting foundation for the entire mortgage industry are the guidelines issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whether the loan is “Conforming” (intended for eventual sale to these two agencies) or “Non-Conforming” (i.e. Jumbo or Portfolio loans). Lenders may have additional “overlays” on top of agency requirements, or may deviate from Fannie/Freddie regulations for specific programs. But in general, these are the basic rules that lenders will use in reviewing your loan application: